Life Is A Journey and You Can Make More Loving Choices for Yourself in Each New Moment

I wrote last week about my mom’s fall that resulted in her breaking her hip.

Thankfully, she did well in surgery. She is now in a rehabilitation center to heal and help her learn to do everyday tasks. Things that we take for granted, such as being able to shower and get to the bathroom without help.

She is working to keep a positive attitude, but I know it’s going to be challenging for her to do so 100% of the time.

She has a long road of physical recovery ahead of her.

She is also facing fears of uncertainty about her and my stepdad’s future living arrangements.

My sweet stepdad’s health is declining and it is not safe for him to walk stairs. Her immediate physical condition prevents her from being able to do stairs, as well. Their home is two stories and even their family room is sunken and requires three steps down into it.

I am grateful for my stepbrothers who are collaborating with me to make sure that our parents are getting the care they need. They are both level-headed and have our parents’ best interest in their hearts and minds.

“One day at a time” is a popular motto in 12-step recovery programs. I’ve reminded myself of it countless times over the past week after catching myself holding my breath and future tripping.

After hearing that reminder from myself, I take a moment to focus on my breath to bring myself back into the present moment.

This is one of those times in life where I am being challenged to walk my talk.

I know that everything is unfolding in divine order.

My job is to stay in the present moment and make the time to take care of myself in the midst of caring for my parents.

I did some very loving things for myself this past week to help me refill my cup. I spent some time on the yoga mat breathing, stretching, and pushing myself. I took a couple of beautiful hikes where I completely recharged my batteries.

I also did some not so loving things for myself. I decompressed with too much wine a couple of evenings with my step brother and his beautiful wife. It seemed like a good idea at the end of a long, stressful day. Unfortunately, it only provided temporary relief. I woke up two mornings in a row realizing all the wine did was to zap precious energy from my body.

I am being gentle with myself. I am reminding myself I can choose loving thoughts and actions in each new moment.

Life is a journey…

One moment…

One breath…

One step…

One day at a time.

What about you, beautiful one?

What internal process do you go through after you made a choice that doesn’t nurture your overall wellbeing?

Does your inner critic step in and beat you over the head with negativity?

Or do you give yourself grace and forgiveness and lovingly set an intention to make better choices for yourself?

I hope that you will practice unconditional love with yourself and treat yourself like the precious, loving soul that you are.