Meet Lyn

All You Need is Love

Hi! I’m Lyn and I’m here to bring more love into the world.

I believe that we’re all eternal souls having a human experience. To me, that means that we’re ALL inherently worthy of love because we’re created in the image and likeness of God/The Universe/Spirit/Source/Jesus…insert whatever word represents your Higher Power.

I also believe that we’re all born with a promise from our souls to raise the vibration of love on the planet.

My soul’s promise was to help create a world where all people know of their connection to the Divine and love themselves and others unconditionally.

Like most of us, I forgot my soul’s promise and true essence early in life. 

As human beings, we’re conditioned from birth by our social interactions with others and we learn our attitudes, beliefs, values, goals, and “acceptable” behaviors from society at large. This also includes our prejudices and “dysfunctional” behaviors.

At the young age of 6 years old, a traumatic event unfolded in my life that resulted in me feeling so much shame that I NEVER wanted to feel that feeling again. At that moment I unconsciously developed a belief that other people’s opinions and judgments of me mattered more to me than my own.

I created a Photoshopped version of myself so that I would be “loved” and not judged negatively by others. I was living in a gilded cage that I put myself in.

The Journey Back Home to Myself

I started the long journey back home to myself when I was 19 years old after I hit a personal bottom, and my pain was bigger than I could numb. In complete desperation, I surrendered my pain to Spirit. I prayed to have my deep emotional wounds from my childhood healed so that I could feel peaceful and whole.

Immediately, I heard a still, small voice inside say, “I’m with you. I always have been and I will never leave you. I love you.”

At that moment, I felt the cage door open. My wings and my voice were weak, but I was determined that I was going to find my authentic voice and sing my authentic song.

I’m not going to lie to you, the journey back to my authentic Self hasn’t been an easy one, but it’s SO worth it!

My experience is that authenticity is a moment-by-moment practice that requires mindfulness, courage, and support along the way.

My journey back home to my authentic Self has included a lot of counseling and attending support groups.

The Horses Were Calling to Me

One of the things I’m most grateful for is following my heart to take horseback riding lessons. I’ve been attracted to horses since I was a little girl, but they didn’t come into my life until I was an adult. My 40th birthday present to myself was riding lessons so that I could fulfill my lifelong dream.

A year into my journey with horses, my soul horse, Bodie, came into my life. He was a Godsend that came to me not long after I learned that my then high-school-aged son was battling an addiction to opiates. To say I was devastated is an understatement.

I was fearful for my son’s life and in deep pain over his addiction and I would drive myself on autopilot to the barn to be with Bodie. In his paddock, I would sob into his thick neck and he would stand statue still and take my tears from me. He did it countless times.

I always left the barn feeling more grounded and emotionally better. I’m not talking about the release we feel after a good cry. I’m saying on an emotional, vibrational level, I moved from complete despair to renewed hope.

It was as if he had a magic elixir that healed my deep pain and raised my emotional vibration simply from being in his presence.

The healing that I experienced with Bodie set me on the path to discovering “what” exactly was happening in our sessions in his paddock. I followed the breadcrumbs and found out horses are recognized as healers for humans. It wasn’t my imagination; it was a real thing!

Gestalt Was the Missing Piece

Eventually, the breadcrumbs led me to discover my mentor, Melisa Pearce, the creator of the Touched by a Horse® Equine Gestalt Coaching Method Program. I immediately knew that I wanted to become a certified practitioner of this transformational coaching method.

The certification program is an intensive 2-year curriculum. In addition to the rigorous course studies, students are required to dive deep and heal their emotional wounds and complete their unfinished business from their pasts. This supports certified practitioners in holding space and illuminating the way for others’ healing.

My deep dive into my personal healing revealed that there were still parts of myself that I had abandoned because I was shamed for them when I was a child, so I believed they were “unlovable”. My work was to bring them back into my awareness and meet them with love and compassion. Much to my surprise, I also found the gifts in these parts. Today, I welcome all parts of myself because I know they ALL make up my authentic Self.

I discovered that Gestalt was the missing piece on my journey back home to myself. It helped me to become aware of how my unfinished business from my past shaped how I responded to events in the present moment. This therapeutic modality allowed me to complete my unfinished business from the past so that I am free to be fully present in the here and now.

I’m amazed at the efficacy of this methodology. In one session with a talented human coach and an equine coach, I released a traumatic experience that I’d worked on for years in traditional talk therapy.

I can’t wait to share this transformational coaching method with you!

I’m Living My Purpose

It feels amazing to live in alignment with my authentic Self.

Every time that I leave the round pen or hang up the phone after a coaching session with a client, I say “Thank you, Spirit!” I love this work and am in awe of the magic of living life aligned with our souls. I’ve witnessed people make powerful transformations by remembering who they are.

Every one of us has our own answers within. Coaching is honoring each person’s truth and guiding them to the wisdom of their heart and soul when they get sidetracked or stuck in fear.

It is my greatest joy and deepest honor to hold that sacred space for others. It makes my heart and soul sing!

We’re In This Together

I’m living my purpose and I’m grateful to be doing so. Please don’t misunderstand me and think for a second that it’s all rainbows and daisies. Like you, I’m a soul having a human experience. I make plenty of mistakes, I buy into limiting thoughts and beliefs from time to time, and life throws me plenty of curveballs.

Living life aligned with your true essence is a journey. As long as your soul lives in your physical body, there’s no magical destination that you’re going to arrive at. This way of living authentically is a daily practice of mindfulness, checking in with your heart and soul to guide you, and then taking brave steps in that direction. Your spiritual gifts are on the outside of your comfort zone just waiting for you to discover them and share them with the world.

It’s inevitable that we’re all going to fall down. But when we do, we must recommit to walking this soulful journey and get back on our feet again…and again…and again.

Are you with me?

You Were Created for a Purpose

What about you? Are you ready to return home to your authentic Self?

My horses and I can help you reclaim and love all parts of your Self and live your life aligned with your true essence.

Your soul is longing for you to reclaim your brilliance and follow your dreams because the world needs YOU!
