Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?

Do you make New Year’s resolutions?

Do you know that only about 8% of people succeed in achieving their resolutions?


It’s true.

The reason is because most people focus on creating a result, not a ritual.

To make lasting change in any area of your life, you must create new behaviors. I prefer to call them rituals.

I have a morning ritual that includes sitting down to enjoy a healthy breakfast with my husband at 6:00 AM. After he leaves for work, I write my morning pages. I follow my morning pages with at least 30 minutes of exercise, and then I meditate for 15 minutes.


This early morning ritual supports me in achieving my desires to stay healthy, strong, and fit for the rest of my life. It also helps me stay spiritually connected to my Source so that I can receive divine inspiration and guidance to help me grow in every area of my life.

Do you love yourself enough to create rituals that will support you in achieving your desired results?

If you are just looking for quick results, I suggest you forgo the resolutions. Because chances are you won’t be successful in achieving your desired results.  Even worse, you will more than likely withhold even more love from yourself. I don’t mean to be Debbie Downer, but unfortunately, almost all resolutions require you create rituals to help you get the results you want.

Rituals are actions or behaviors performed consistently over time. They become healthy, loving habits that support you in loving and nurturing yourself.

So, do you love yourself enough to create rituals that will support you in loving yourself?

If your answer to that question isn’t an absolute “YES!”, then perhaps your resolution could be to commit to loving yourself more. I believe intentions based on loving ourselves are far more successful than resolutions created from a place of self loathing.

I have created a fun little guide called, “10 Ways to Feel Happier Right Now“. It lists some ways that not only will help you to feel happier, but will also help you to learn to love yourself.

To download your free copy of this fun guide, click here.

You are worthy of self love.

I love you.