Raise Vibration

Hello, Beautiful!I’m sure you’re well aware of the tragic mass shootings that happened in Dayton and El Paso two weekends ago. Sadly, these horrific events are happening all too frequently these days.

I know all of our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their grieving families, friends, and their entire communities.

Following each of these tragic events, the authorities look for a motive to explain these senseless acts of violence that devastate innocent lives. All too often, they discover the common denominator of the perpetrators is fear.

Fear of people of different nationalities, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

The media drowns us with messages of fear and sadly, the default consciousness of our society is fear-based, not love-based.

Several weeks ago, Bryan and I took one of our grandsons to see “Toy Story 4” at the movie theatre. While we were waiting for the movie to start, I caught myself looking around the theatre at the people inside to see if anyone felt like a threat.

As soon as I became aware of the fearful thought, I said a silent affirmation, “I am surrounded by a bubble of Light. Only Light can get in. I am safe and I am Love.”About the time I released the fearful thoughts and relaxed into my safety, the previews started and one of the first messages aired was from the theatre management. It was instructing us to locate the nearest exit in the event of an emergency, and If we saw any suspicious activity to immediately notify a staff member.

I am surrounded by a bubble of Light. Only Light can get in. I am safe and I am Love.

Raise Vibration

​​​​“Happiness, anxiety, joy, resentment – we have many words for the many emotions we experience in our lifetimes. But deep down, at our cores, there are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety, and guilt.”

~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler from “Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of Life and Living”

Choosing love is a conscious decision.

One of my favorite Ambassadors of Love is Lenny Kravitz. “Here to Love” is a song I love from his latest album, “Raise Vibration”. The lyrics are:

We must all unite for we are one creation

We must join the fight, together we are strong

We must do what’s right in every situation

Love each other’s lives as you would do your own

Just think twice

Before you cast your stone at someone’s soul

It’s their life

So, the choice is theirs and theirs alone

We’re not here to judge

We are here to love

There’s no room for hate

We are just one human race

We must rise above

We are here to love

There’s no time to waste anymore

We must all unite, there’s no more segregation

When you’ve seen the light there’s nowhere else to go

And with peace in sight no walls could separate us

We would be as one because this earth’s our home

Just think twice

Before you cast your stone at someone’s soul

It’s their life

So, the choice is theirs and theirs alone

We’re not here to judge

We are here to love

There’s no room to hate

We are just one human race

We must rise above

We are here to love

There’s no time to waste anymore

Will we learn from our past?

Our clock is running fast

We’re not here to judge

We are here to love

There’s no room for hate

There is just one human race

We must rise above

We are here to love

There’s no time to waste anymore

We’re not here to judge

We are here to love

There’s no room for hate

We are just one human race

We must rise above

We are here to love

There’s no time to waste anymore

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Lenny Kravitz

This song stirs my soul. Please click here to listen to it.

You’ve heard me say a thousand times that we have to be careful shepherds of our thoughts.

With the majority of the messages we hear from the media being fear based, we must be careful not to allow fear to seep into our subconscious.

“Fear doesn’t stop death, fear stops life.”

~ David Kessler

So Beautiful, will you join me in consciously choosing love, over fear?

One of my favorite ways to practice this is by what I call “bliss bombing”.

Whenever you make eye contact with strangers, greet them with a warm smile and send them thoughts of love.

bliss bombing

Imagine light and love radiating out from your heart to theirs.

Look for people being kind and go out of your way to thank them and let them know how much you appreciate them.

Oftentimes we come into contact with the same people every day, but we don’t take the time to ask their names or get to know anything about them. This week show them some love. Perhaps it’s the barista who makes your morning coffee, the security guard in your office building, or the clerk at the gas station. Acknowledge them by saying “I appreciate you” or by thanking them for always being a friendly face in your day.

Many times, we take for granted all of the little things our spouses, children, grandchildren, and family members do for us. Start paying attention to all the ways they show you love and kindness. Perhaps your spouse brought you coffee or tea this morning. Maybe your child or grandchild will pick up their toys or take their dishes to the sink without having to be asked. Express your heartfelt appreciation to every single person that does the simplest act of kindness for you.

Bliss bomb every person that you come into contact with this week.

ladies with a horse

Undoubtedly, you will feel the loving energy that you send out to others coming right back to you. The more freely you give love, the more freely you will receive it. Also, you never know how your outpouring of love through a simple smile or kind word will lift someone else.

Practice bliss bombing every day until it becomes a habit and love becomes your automatic default. By doing so, you’ll help raise the vibration of love on the planet.

If you’re struggling with fearful or anxious thoughts and beliefs that are blocking your full expression of love, my horses and I would love to support you. Please email me at lyn@blissfulheartcoaching and let’s set up a time to talk.

Make it a love-filled week!

Sending you so much love,
